Support LGBTQIA+ individuals, identities and culture.
Pride Month in June commemorates the June 28, 1969 Stonewall Uprising in New York when police raided the Stonewall Inn, a prominent gay bar in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village, and the subsequent protests over the next six days. Pride month also celebrates the LGBTQIA+ communities, queer joy and the fight for equal rights.

San Francisco Pride’s 2023 theme is Looking Back and Moving Forward.
Los Angeles Pride’s 2023 theme is All Out with Pride.
New York City Pride’s 2023 theme is Strength in Solidarity.
Washington D.C. Pride’s 2023 theme is Peace, Love, Revolution.
Chicago Pride Fest
Philippines Pride Events
Physical Location: 3207 Lakeshore Ave., Oakland, CA 94610
Telephone: 510-882-2286
The Oakland LGBTQ Community Center was founded and incorporated in June of 2017, by two African American gay men, Jeff Myers and Joe Hawkins. This center is dedicated to enhancing and sustaining the well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) individuals, our families and allies, by providing educational, social, and health related activities, programs and services.
Photo source: Oakland LGBTQ+ Community Center
The Oakland LGBTQ+ Community Center.
Queer Arts Center.
Physical Location: 3411 Lakeshore Ave, Oakland, CA 94610
Telephone: 510-239-7197
The EAST BAY LGBTQ+ HEALING ARTS CENTER aka The QUEER ARTS CENTER is a grassroots, interdisciplinary collaborative of Oakland, California-based disabled, Black, Indigenous + Brown LGBTQ+ identified artists and wellness practitioners serving a global community. They are diverse across gender, sexual orientation, and relationship spectrums as well as ancestral heritage and spiritual orientations.
Their mission is to offer creative opportunities for health equity through culturally competent, financially accessible, interdisciplinary art innovation and through marginalized LGBTQIA rights advocacy; and, to promote the well-being of the QTPOC artist.