Self-care isn’t set and forget. At each stage of your life and maybe during different parts of the year your mind and body might have different needs.

Crafting a Sustainable Self-Care Practice: The Course is a self-guided online program that will teach you about the principles of self-care, why we do it, and how to incorporate a practice into your life that will make a difference for you.

Most of us understand that self-care activities can improve our well-being and yet the method of trying a lot of different things and seeing what sticks can become overwhelming in itself. In this workshop you’ll have a better understanding of how to incorporate your ideal plan from the outset.

Enroll in Crafting a Sustainable Self-Care Practice Today

One time
For 2 months

Explore self-care principles using the 10 wellness dimensions on your own schedule through this interactive online course from our Self-Guided Workshops Collection. One benefit of offering this workshop as an online course is that your one-time purchase grants you lifetime access anywhere you may go! We make it accessible for you to create and regularly renew your self-practice as often as you want as you grow and progress in life. Non-refundable. The fee is inclusive of sales tax.

This course, Crafting a Sustainable Self-Care Practice, is an in-depth guide for discovering your ideal practice at this moment in time. The wonderful part is that as you or your circumstances change you can always return to the material and reimagine your practice as needed. Your purchase allows you access for a lifetime.

Enroll in Crafting a Sustainable Self-Care Practice Today

One time
For 2 months

Explore self-care principles using the 10 wellness dimensions on your own schedule through this interactive online course from our Self-Guided Workshops Collection. One benefit of offering this workshop as an online course is that your one-time purchase grants you lifetime access anywhere you may go! We make it accessible for you to create and regularly renew your self-practice as often as you want as you grow and progress in life. Non-refundable. The fee is inclusive of sales tax.

Read Frequently Asked Questions on this course for additional details.