The 10 Dimensions

Wellness is an active process of intentionality and awareness. It includes making choices and taking actions that lead toward a holistic health and wellbeing. The 10 dimensions are the parts, like the slices of a pie, that make up your wellness health.

Each month we take a closer look at one wellness dimension. Our workshops, Kaibigan Letters, videos, and resources are meant to help you actively invest in the multiple dimensions of your wellness wherever you call home.

  • Environmental

    A healthy physical environment free of hazards; awareness of the role we play in bettering rather than denigrating the natural environment.

  • Social/Relational

    Connection with, interaction with, and contribution to other people and our communities.

  • Recreational

    How we create playfulness, fun and relaxation for ourselves.

  • Emotional

    Awareness of, accepting of, and able to express one’s feelings; and being aware of and accepting of the feelings of others.

  • Occupational

    Your usual or principal work or business, especially as a means of earning a living.

  • Intellectual/Mental

    Engagement with the world through learning, problem-solving, creativity, etc.

  • Spiritual

    Our search for meaning and purpose in human existence. This includes your religion and practice.

  • Educational

    Formal learning such as through schooling, training, and workshops to expand our intelligence and acquirement of skills.

  • Physical

    Preservation of a healthy body through exercise, nutrition, sleep, etc.

  • Financial

    Knowledge of finances and creation of wealth.

Intersection of dimensions.

How you relate to each dimension reveals a more complete picture of who you are. Aside from discovering new ways of nurturing and caring for yourself, the 10 wellness dimensions we talk about also provide a way of looking at your own identity. Your relationship with spirituality, recreational, education, and the rest make up your identity. Deepening your understanding of yourself is incredibly powerful and lends to a strong self-confidence.

Your daily activities can combine several dimensions.

For example, your weekly nature hike with a friend might encompass physical (exercise),  environmental (being outdoors in nature), and  social/relational (spending time with a buddy).

For other people this might be a favorite past-time and it would fall into the category of recreational wellness.

Explore our site for curated ideas and resources to care for and get to know yourself. Remember to get your free Wellness Checkup workbook when you subscribe below.

You’re welcome here anytime. We’re here to support you in being attentive to your life and relationships.

How’s your wellness health?

Dive into our approach to wellness and discover where you’re at with the ten dimensions. Receive your complimentary Wellness Checkup Workbook when you share your email to stay connected in The Giving Well community.