It’s our 1st Birthday!

Hello and Mabuhay! I’m Angel, one of the co-founders of The Giving Well. 

Hi! I’m Laura, the other co-founder, and we’re celebrating The Giving Well’s first birthday with you!


We started this wellness education company for you and women of color – those from the Filipino, Asian, Asian-American, Pacific Islander, Black, and Indigenous communities – to openly talk about the concept of wellness and offer nurturing ways you can pay attention to your health from a multi-dimensional approach. We want to empower you to create a meaningful relationship with yourself and with others while respecting your cultural values and heritage. 


We wanted to integrate culture and community into a wellness space that is accessible to any person who identifies as a woman and those who support women. 

So for us The Giving Well is really meant to be a warm space that honors culture, relationships, and the fostering of women’s intelligence, strength, creativity, and sensibility. 


We decided to showcase wellness through ten wellness dimensions that we believe are common across cultures. These are emotional, spiritual, physical, intellectual/mental, social/relational, educational, financial, recreational, and environmental.

We use the analogy of a pie to represent our wellness, and the ten dimensions as the slices of this pie. Each slice is an element of your whole wellness that holds the important ingredients for your health and identity. These ingredients are your activities, values, and proactive choices you make to get to know yourself, to take care of your health and to relate with others. 

In case you’re new to our website and company, we invite you to visit the homepage and 10 Dimensions page that go into details on each dimension.  


Since launching in September 2021, we dedicated one month to each dimension. We defined them and how they intersect with one another, presented activities on how to engage with the dimension, and asked you questions to reflect on your relationship to and personal ways you can take care of that dimension. 


We know that, in these social times, information gets shared very quickly and then it’s gone. Taking care of our wellness requires time, forethought and commitment. Even a month-long focus on a wellness dimension can be too fast for some or that dimension wasn’t relevant or a priority for others at the time we talked about it. 

We want to celebrate our company’s birthday by sharing our dimensions archives so that you can revisit the dimensions at your own pace. You’ll conveniently find the link to the Dimensions Archives both on the 10 Dimensions page and in the top menu under 10 Dimensions. 

We’ll be releasing the archives in phases so continue to visit the website, stay connected to our community by signing up for our newsletter, and follow us on social media, @thegivingwellco, to learn when the next archive bundle becomes available. 


For those of you who are just joining us, we hope that you immerse in the dimensions and genuinely enjoy the process of getting to know more about yourself and your cultural influences. 

To our community subscribers and followers, maraming salamat, thank you very much, for being a part of our lives and your support. We plan to continue our connection to you by sharing new resources and activities in the upcoming year!