October: Environmental Wellness
Our environmental wellness includes our interaction with nature and creating an enjoyable personal environment.
Kaibigan Letter
Incidental Places
Writing to Robust Wellness
Expressive writing, like journaling, evokes mindfulness and helps writers remain present while keeping perspective. Journaling is an opportunity for emotional catharsis, strengthens our emotional and mental health, relieves stress and boosts our immune system, keeps our memory sharp, and emphasizes our pattern and growth in adversity.
We invite you to keep a journal and unearth how your lifestyle interweaves the ten wellness dimensions with Laura as your guide.
Monday, October 25, 2021
Where is Your Quiet Escape?
The weather is getting colder, and the holidays are soon approaching. Now, more than ever is a great time to add a deliberate practice of calm and quiet moments to your day…even if only for a few moments.
Do you have a spot in your home where you can escape away to when you need some peace and quiet? If you can’t get there at this moment please enjoy this lovely virtual space with cozy seating and gorgeous views.😊,
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
How Are You?
Have you ever answered this question with ‘fine’ or ‘good’ when you didn’t really mean it? Not everyone is entitled to your true emotions all the time but how often do you check in with yourself and ask?
Today’s Journal Prompt:
On this day, at this moment, how do you feel?
Friday, October 28, 2021
Today’s Journal Prompt:
Taking care of yourself so that you can show up as your best is an act of generosity to those around you.
What are some self-care activities you do regularly that have improved your ability to help those around you?

Autumn 2021Wellness Prompts
Weekly Journal Prompts
October 2021

ENVIRONMENTAL & FINANCIAL Our financial wellness and environmental wellness intersect in many interesting ways. Take the idea of #fastfashion as an example. Accessibility of stylish clothing is at an all-time high with the mass-production of inexpensive, trendy clothing. At the same time, studies have shown the fashion industry is one of the largest contributors to waste and pollution. Good for your wallet, bad for the environment. Does this mean you should never purchase any fast fashion items? Not necessarily, that’s a choice you’ll make for yourself. I’ll even admit, although I try to avoid this type of clothing by going to thrift stores (inexpensive, yay) or purchasing from ‘ethical’ brands (higher prices, yikes) there is a brand of fast fashion denim that just fits me better than any other brand (low or high). I reconcile this idea with the notion that I’m keeping this denim for years. So, if one of your values includes caring for the environment around you, adjusting your spending behaviors is worth some consideration.

Today’s Journal Prompt: In what ways has your education, either formal or informal, involved connecting pieces to the environment and humanity as a whole?

ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL Today’s Journal Prompt: What does your ideal work environment look like? What does your office space look like? What types of personalities do you work with?

ENVIRONMENTAL & RELATIONAL Journal Prompt: The pleasures of putting up decorations during the holidays, setting a table for a family dinner, hosting friends over to watch football on Sundays...these are all examples of how our living environments can deepen our relationships with others. In what ways do you alter or change your living environment to enhance the relationships you have?

ENVIRONMENTAL & RECREATIONAL Journal Prompt: When was the last time that you played outside?

Journal Prompt: What is your current relationship with nature?

ENVIRONMENTAL & PHYSICAL Journal Prompt: The outdoors can feel very rejuvenating. Is there a specific park, trail, beach, or other outdoor location that you return to to get your fill or 'medicine?" Where is it, and why are you drawn to it?

ENVIRONMENTAL X INTELLECTUAL/MENTAL Journal Prompt: What spaces do you flourish in?