April: Financial Wellness

“Many people take no care of their money till they come nearly to the end of it, and others do just the same with their time.”

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Kaibigan Letter

Financial Resilience

Reserve your spot at this live event to enhance your financial dimension…

Baking a Balanced Wellness

Date: May 14, 2022

Time: 5:00pm-6:30pm

A virtual workshop focused on examining your relation to the 10 dimensions and cultivating ideas to deepen your wellness.

Click here for more details.

We have limited spots available to give proper attention to each guest. Register by May 8, 2022.

Financial x Intellectual/Mental x Educational Wellness Activity

Taking care of your financial wellness includes building on your financial literacy - your ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including budgeting and investing. Familiarize yourself with common financial and banking terms.

Writing to Robust Wellness

Expressive writing, like journaling, evokes mindfulness and helps writers remain present while keeping perspective. Journaling is an opportunity for emotional catharsis, strengthens our emotional and mental health, relieves stress and boosts our immune system, keeps our memory sharp, and emphasizes our pattern and growth in adversity.

We offer prompts for inspiration to keep a journal, and unearth how your lifestyle interweaves the ten wellness dimensions.

  • Financial & Intellectual/Mental

    Journal Prompt:

    What is your first memory about money and how old were you?

  • Financial & Emotional

    What are the emotions that come to mind when you think about money?

  • Financial & Social/Relational

    What did your cultural values and traditions inform you about money and its role in your family and community?

  • Financial & Social/Relational

    When was there a time when you were put down or left out because you didn’t have money?

    Who was involved and where were you? What impact did that incident have on your sense of belonging?

    How about the impact on your view about money back then?

  • Financial & Educational

    What are the aspects of your finances that you avoid or procrastinate learning about?

    If the barriers to learning about these aspects disappeared, what is one thing you can do to start learning?

  • Financial & Spiritual

    Journal Prompt:

    What does money represent to you today?

    What does this representation say about you as a person?

Community Resources

Here is a list of USA-based organizations who dedicate their services to promoting financial literacy and resiliency amongst adults and youth. We’ve included their website and a few downloadable worksheets from each organization which you can use in strengthening your own financial wellness. We are not endorsing these organizations and the use of their services. The tools we showcase here are strictly for educational purposes to facilitate your interest and attention to your financial wellness. Their free resources are available to anyone for guidance wherever you call home.


Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)

Learn More about this organization by visiting their official United States government website, https://www.consumerfinance.gov/.


The Bureau aims to make consumer financial markets work for consumers, responsible providers, and the economy as a whole. They protect consumers from unfair, deceptive, or abusive practices and take action against companies that break the law. They arm people with the information, steps, and tools that they need to make smart financial decisions.

Below are resources from CFPB:


California Jump$tart Coalition

Learn More about this organization by visiting their official website, https://cajumpstart.org


Jump$tart is a coalition of diverse financial education stakeholders. These organizations work together to educate and prepare our nation’s youth for life-long financial success.

California Jump$tart Coalition is a not-for-profit organization striving to educate young people on the many aspects of fiscal responsibility, including prudent saving, earning, spending, and investing and credit practices.

By improving the literacy of California’s K-12 students, California Jump$tart Coalition has established itself as the go-to source for educating the state’s youth on making smart money decisions for a better quality of life.


