Kwentuhan in Tagalog means ‘storytelling’, ‘to tell a story to someone’ and to have a ‘back and forth conversation’. We use the idea of kwentuhan to impart on one another our experiences of being human.
Storytellers: On Kindness
How do you show yourself kindness? How do you show others kindness?
Shared by F.T.
Every morning, while waiting for my coffee to brew and for the dawn’s light I stretch and do strength exercises for 20 + minutes. I want to be kind to my body so that I can continue to do the physical things I love as I mature - walking, hiking, gardening, traveling, cooking, visiting family and friends, and window shopping.
Every holiday (major and minor) I mail greeting cards with personal notes to my family and old and new friends. I feel there is something special about handwriting a note of caring, sharing something humorous, catching up, writing a word of kindness and love to these special people in my life.
Shared by G.P.
I show myself kindness by taking time and go into depressurization phase, I forgive myself for any mistakes I might have encountered and assure myself that I'm skilled and smart enough to move on.
I show others kindness in understanding that they are human and I also give them space to go through the phase they need to in order to recoup.
Shared by T.L.
I don’t plan any errands or multiple activities on days I work. I focus on getting sufficient sleep, eating a meal, and having time to get ready for work so I’m not rushing. I also do a relaxing activity after work before I go home as a way to relieve work stress and not bring home so much tension or a bad mood.
I was walking home past midnight a few months ago and helped two women who got out of a car and ran towards me. I talked to the boyfriend who was in the car, and he agreed to leave the girls alone then drove off. One of the girls had blood from a head wound and she had a seizure while her friend was trying to call her parents for a ride home. I asked the friend to call 911, and stayed with them until the paramedics and one set of parents arrived on scene. I covered the girl who was lying on the ground with my jacket, and gave the girl who called 911 socks after I realized she was barefooted during our wait. Fortunately, the parents told me the following day that both women were safe and the one hospitalized was recovering.
Shared by S.A.
I show myself kindness by decompressing and indulging on what makes me happy (i.e. whether it's buying something nice for myself or enjoying good food).
I show other's kindness by being empathetic, lending a helping hand if needed, or sympathizing with them.
Shared by A.A.
I believe fresh flowers add joy in my space. I put fresh-cut flowers from my garden or buy fresh bouquets that I arrange into small vases so that each room has a bit of nature’s color and scent. The flowers are my small treats of pleasure that are sprinkled throughout my home.
During my walks in my hilly neighborhood, I ask people I come across who appear to struggle maneuvering their belongings if they would like help carrying or moving items up or down the stairs of their driveway. Some of the ones I helped now recognize me on my walks and will greet me, and some even strike conversation. I like the comradery that I’ve gained with my neighbors through my act of kindness. It’s also a fun surprise to have their smiles and waves as acts of their kindness towards me.
Shared by L.S.
I show myself kindness by listening to what my body needs in terms of rest. I have become more accepting of the unique requirements that I have to sustainably support a full work and family schedule. This includes quality sleep, moving my body, getting sunshine, and eating nutrient rich foods.
With others, I take a broader view when it comes to kindness as not just doing the occasional good deed (like making an effort to open the door for someone who has got their hands full pushing a stroller) but also making an effort to be a good citizen. I think about the overall impact the work I do has, especially since my focus is on marketing. I feel deeply uncomfortable using the psychological manipulation that is often an industry standard.