January: Refining Balance
Welcome to a new year!
This is traditionally the season for resolutions, grand plans, the excitement around becoming a new and better version of yourself. We’re here to offer you something different in January, which is why our theme is about ‘refining balance.’ We ask you to consider, instead, rest and reflection as powerful tools for your wellbeing.
Kaibigan Letter
Rest as an Antidote to Resolutions
Wellness Workbook 2022
An interactive workbook from our Self-Guided Workshops collection. Available for purchase in our Pasalubong shop.
Take a look at your wellness health and create a balanced wellness on a regular basis using the concept of baking a pie.
Meet & Greet
Saturday, January 29, 2022
9am PST
Topic: How Rest Can Counter Stress Reactions
Writing to Robust Wellness
Expressive writing, like journaling, evokes mindfulness and helps writers remain present while keeping perspective. Journaling is an opportunity for emotional catharsis, strengthens our emotional and mental health, relieves stress and boosts our immune system, keeps our memory sharp, and emphasizes our pattern and growth in adversity.
We offer prompts as an invitation to keep a journal, and unearth how your lifestyle interweaves the ten wellness dimensions with Laura as your guide.
Self-Improvement Culture
There’s a fine line between pushing yourself to do your best and working yourself to exhaustion in pursuit of a goal. Hustle culture, life-hacking, or optimizing every second of your day can lead to burnout.
In what ways do you build-in systems into your life to ensure you’re taking care of business while also looking after your health?
Know Yourself
Remember, you’re the only person who can figure out what the life you want looks like. Role models and other people can provide a blueprint of what is possible, but ultimately you will have your own journey.
Before forging into the new year, let’s take a moment to celebrate all the changes you’ve made throughout the last….no matter how small they are.
Restful Ideas
What are your favorite ways to rest?
How many of the above do you regularly engage in?
Happiness and Balance
Describe a time period when you felt the most balanced in your life and when things were flowing smoothly.
What can you do to introduce more of that into your life as it is now?
Technology and rest
We often think about how all-consuming and disruptive technology can be, are there ways that you’ve found it to be helpful in leading a restful life?
How do you use it to improve any areas of wellness?
January Reflections
Before the month is over, how did your January look? How do you feel about the way you spent this first month of 2022? Go ahead, and write the story 😊