November: Social/Relational Wellness
Social & Relational Wellness
Social and relational wellness relates to how you connect and interact with others. It can be your relationship with individuals or your community.
Kaibigan Letter
Debut into Society
Writing to Robust Wellness
Expressive writing, like journaling, evokes mindfulness and helps writers remain present while keeping perspective. Journaling is an opportunity for emotional catharsis, strengthens our emotional and mental health, relieves stress and boosts our immune system, keeps our memory sharp, and emphasizes our pattern and growth in adversity.
We invite you to keep a journal and unearth how your lifestyle interweaves the ten wellness dimensions with Laura as your guide.
Monday, November 29, 2021
Thank you so much to everyone who has joined us at The Giving Well Meet & Greet. It’s always fun to connect with others who have a curiosity about how to live well and so openly come to the table with useful and inventive ideas.

Autumn 2021Wellness Prompts
Weekly Journal Prompts
November 2021
Week of Monday, November 22
Monday, November 22
We’re opening this week’s posts with a little challenge for yourself if you’ve been following along here.
Look, it would be complete overload to try and do all of the ten wellness dimensions all at once and every day. The most important takeaway from knowing these different dimensions exist is that they CAN have an impact on your overall wellness. So, if something is off for you in any aspect of your life, it’s a list that you can go back to and reflect on to see if something might be amiss with an area that you’ve been neglecting or that might be detrimental to your health.
This week, we challenge you to:
1) Choose 2 or 3 dimensions to focus on.
2) Identify tasks You can do for each dimension
3) Put them on your to-do list each day this week
By the end of the week, you can feel confident that you’ve tended to and given attention to these wellness dimensions.
Tuesday, November 23
When was the last time you wrote or received a letter or card…something that was handwritten?
I can out my co-founder/bestie Angel as one of the best card/letter writers ever and while I regularly Marie Kondo the contents of my home, these mementos of our friendship are priceless.
Today is as lovely a day as any to write to those you care about, including yourself.
Thursday, November 25
Thankful to have the support of internet friends and family as we grow The Giving Well.
Week of Monday, November 15
Journal Prompt:
What subjects or areas of study do you find are better when learned in a group setting?
Having access to everything 24/7 is both amazing and terrible at the same time.
Ever give a small child an iPad or electronic device and notice that they’re instantly mesmerized? Well, the same can be said for us adults, but we often have these behaviors under the guise of working, relaxing, or needing to stay on top of the latest news/meme/pop culture reference.
It’s a recipe for #burnout
Sure, we need to be online for certain things, but really think about how you use social media, and if you could alter the way that you access or enjoy your accounts.
For example one of the tricks I have to limit the time I spend watching IG stories is to only do it when I’m on the elliptical machine at the gym. It limits the amount of time that I can get lost in stories, PLUS it ensures that I ALWAYS make time for the elliptical 😂😂😂
What do you do to improve your relationship with social media and technology?
One of the most obvious ways relational wellness and financial wellness crossover is when looking at the impact of finances on couples and marriages. It’s no surprise that money is often identified as one of the biggest causes of arguments for couples.
How to handle money within a relationship is a personal issue. There’s no one-size-fits-all, but it’s an area that clearly highlights how much one wellness dimension can powerfully impact another.
Maybe it’s not the most romantic of the wellness dimensions but creating a space for financial wellness for both people in a relationship can play a large role in strengthening a couple’s bond over time.
Week of Monday, November 8
When we go through our own personal problems and challenges it can be such an isolating time. It can feel like no one understands but finding someone or even a community who understands you can make all the difference in the world.
Tag someone who has helped you see that you weren’t alone in your time of need 💕
Journal Prompt:
I’m not totally certain, but I believe this quote was before we had purposeful isolation inflicted on us by the pandemic.
In what ways do you fight off isolation and stay connected with others?
We all love our screens, but here’s a friendly reminder that socializing and play can and should happen in real life, too!
Week of Monday, November 1
For many of us, playing a team sport is one of the earliest forms of teamwork that we learn about.
What lessons do you remember from being a part of a team when you were younger?
Journal Prompt:
In what ways does your spiritual practice include a social element?